I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.
- Thomas Jefferson in a letter to James Madison
The United States is in an undeclared state of emergency—but if you read this site regularly, you already knew that. At First Breakfast, we’ve been chronicling the brokenness of our Defense Industrial Base for the better part of a year and charting a path back to production and strength.
Now I’m pleased to announce a new chapter in our effort to smash the Monopsony and reboot the American Industrial Base. Today is Reformation Day, so it’s time for a little heresy. We’re launching The Defense Reformation that explains the root causes of our industrial decline and posits 18 Theses for true defense reform.
I nail this treatise to the Pentagon Metro entrance not because I hate the DOD, but because I love America and want us to win again. We’ll need brave, modern-day heretics and heroes to spread this gospel in the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill.
So click through and read the whole thing. Then join the Reformation.